This website is not intended for commercial but only for your personal use and therefore you may not use this website or any of its content to promote any commercial purpose or create advertisements on your website.
The entire content of our company’s website, including but not limited to: texts, logos, symbols, photographs, layouts, illustrations, graphics, audio, music, video or text rights, marks, brands, distinguishing features, is the subject of intellectual property of our company and is governed by national provisions on intellectual property, with the exception of any expressly recognized rights of third parties and the total or partial reproduction, copying, sale, lease, transmission, distribution, modification, translation of said content is expressly prohibited.
Our company does not warrant that the functional aspects of this content on our website are error-free or virus-free, nor does it promise that our site server renders this content free of viruses.
The Courts of Athens are exclusively defined as the only one competent for the resolution of any dispute arising from these General Terms of Use regarding the existence, interpretation, execution or the violation of the sales contract between our company and each of you and as applicable law is considered the current Greek law. The terms of use are valid for as long as the online posting of the products lasts.